Results for the Show 2018 Show.

C11     The Ashley Chase Estate Trophy will be awarded to the Best Devon Beast in the above Classes. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
29  Telling, Mrs Deborah  HILLSIDE BEAUTY'S HONEYMOON 
The Ashley Chase Estate Trophy will be awarded to the Best Devon Beast in the above Classes.

The Devon Cattle Breeders Society will award the Holwell Manor (East) Cup to the member gaining the most points from the following Shows: Dunster, Mid Devon, Dorset County, Honiton, Gillingham & Shaftesbury, Melplash, Frome and North Somerset. Points awarded as follows: (1 point per entry forward - cow and calf = 1 point). First prize = 5 points, Second prize = 4 points, Third prize = 3 points. Where a pairs or group class is scheduled as a specific class then points will be awarded for these.