Results for the Show 2022 Show.

470Two 454g/1lb. jars of clear light honey.
471Two 454g/1lb. jars of clear medium honey.
473Two 454g/1lb. jars of naturally crystallised honey (not soft set).
474Two 454g/1lb. jars of soft set honey.
475Three 454g/1lb jars of honey, any matching type labelled with exhibitors own label as for sale.
477One frame of comb honey suitable for extracting wired or unwired.
479Two 170g/6oz. or over of cut comb honey in standard plastic containers.
480Two 454g/1lb. jars of clear light, clear medium or clear.
481One cake of beeswax, minimum 454g/1lb, not less than 18mm / 3/4" thick, moulded in a plain shape
482Any decorative item with bees wax (not a candle) - any method.
483One bottle of dry mead.
484One bottle of sweet mead.
485Honey Fruit Cake.
486Six Honey Crunch Biscuits.
487One photograph on a subject relating to beekeeping.
488One photograph - specifically bees, inside and outside the nest.
489Two identical beeswax candles, made in a plain mould.
490Two identical beeswax candles, made by any means other than a mould.
491Twelve pieces of honey fudge.
492Two 454g/1lb jars of clear light honey.
493Two 454g/1lb. jars of clear medium honey.
494Two 454g/1lb. jars of chunk honey.
495Two 454g/1lb. jars of naturally crystallised honey (not soft set).
496Two 454g/1 lb. jars of soft set honey.
497One shallow frame of comb honey suitable for extracting.
499Beeswax. Not less than 225g/8oz and not more than 250g/9oz in four or eight moulded pieces, any shape.
500One piece of cut comb honey in a standard plastic container, minimum weight 170g / 6oz.
500ATasting Class - One 454g Jar of Honey any type, to be judged by the show judge on taste. No label to appear on the jar.

Section Chairman: Mrs C A Brown

Entry Fees: Classes 470 to 500A 50p
Prize Money: 1st £3.00; 2nd £2.00; 3rd £1.50.


West Dorset Beekeepers Association Cups & Trophies

The M. C. Bond Challenge Shield
to be awarded to a member of the West Dorset Beekeepers' Association gaining the most points in the beekeeping classes 470 to 500A

The Carole Brown Trophy to be awarded to a member of the WDBKA for most points in the classes 492 to 500A

The M R Wood Challenge Cup to be awarded to the winner of class 480

The Dorset Challenge Cup to be awarded to the winner of class 485

The F W Carter Cup to be awarded to the winner of class 493

The Bob Mather Challenge Cup to be awarded for the best comb of honey ready for extraction in classes 477 or 497

Blue Ribbon/Certificate of Merit for best exhibit in Show

Presentation of Trophies and Sponsorships will take place in the Beekeeping Marquee at approximately 4.30pm

Classes 470 to 491 are open to all Beekeepers.

1. Entries should be made on the form provided by the Secretary of the Melplash Agricultural Society and reach the Show Office by the closing date on the entry form or your can enter online.
2. No late entries accepted
3. No exhibit may be entered in more than one class.
4. Exhibitors are permitted to make more than one entry in a class but shall not take more than one award in that class.
5. Joint owners of an apiary are to be regarded as one exhibitor therefore may not make separate entries except for classes 481,482,483,484,485, 486, 487,488,489,490,491,499
6. Classes may be amalgamated or cancelled at the discretion of the Show Committee.
7. The Show Committee have the power to refuse any entry.
8. Members of more than one Association may only enter under one.

1. Exhibitors may stage exhibits the evening before the show or before 08.15am on the day. Judging will commence at 08.30am.
2. Exhibits shall not be removed before the time stated in the schedule
3. Competitors are responsible for the delivery and collection of their own exhibits personally or by a named third party.
4. Every article must be the bone-fide property of the exhibitor
5. All honey and wax must be from the exhibitors own bees except for the candles, wax models and cookery classes.
6. No exhibit may be tasted or interfered with in any way by any person without permission of the Steward. The Show Committee will take normal care of the exhibits during the Show but will not be responsible in any
circumstances for loss or damage sustained by exhibitors in any way what so ever.

1. The labels, as supplied by the Melplash Show Secretary, must not be altered in any way.
2. Except where otherwise stated, no label, trademark or other distinguishing mark may be placed on an exhibit
3. Labels shall be affixed:
a. To jars with a rubber band through the label and fixed around the top of the jars
b. Exhibits in commercial classes should bear a lot number and conform to current food labelling regulations.
1. Extracted honey must be exhibited in clear 454g (1lb) squat glass jars with lacquered metal or white/gold plastic commercial screw or twist off lids, all of British Standard pattern and matching.
2. Colour will be judged in accordance with B.B.K.A. grading filters complying with BS1656, available from WDKBA Secretary.

1. Sections must be enclosed in white section cases or in plain commercial containers with windows
2. The section must be easily removable from its container
3. Round sections to be displayed with clear covers on both sides

1. Cut comb honey must be displayed in standard white or clear commercial 227g/8oz containers with transparent snap-on lids.
1. Must be shown in a 'bee-tight' case being glazed on both sides and must be capable of easy withdrawal.

1. Wax exhibits must fall within the weights specified in the schedule
2. See above staging and collection of exhibits - 5
3. When more than one piece is to be displayed they must be matching in all respects.

1. Mead must be exhibited in clear colourless glass 75cl bottles of the new sauterne type (of round section with rounded not fluted shoulders) without lettering or ornament of any kind.
ii) The bottles must have cork stoppers with a white plastic flanges.

1. Must be made by the exhibitor.
2. All cakes/confectionary to be exhibited on a white paper plate with a doyley in clear plastic or covered with cling film.
3. See above staging and collection of exhibits - 5.

1. In the event of a tie for a cup or prize on a points basis, the award shall be jointly awarded.
2. For cups and special prizes points will be awarded as follows:-
First: 6; Second: 5; Third: 4; V.H.C.: 3; H.C: 2; C: 1;
3. The cups and prizes will be awarded to the members who gain most points in the classes indicated in the schedule.

1. Only exhibitors will be permitted to supply honey (limited to only 6lbs of honey this year per exhibitor) and hive products for sale on show day with the
understanding that honey and hive products from the West Dorset BKA are sold first and that the labelling complies with the regulations .
2. A sales booking in form must be completed and given to the nominated booking in Secretary on show day.
3. In the event of a dispute the Show Committee decision is final.

Carole Brown 01308 456210
Email: [email protected]