Results for the Show 2022 Show.

Children's Floral Art
456A Posy fit for a Queen. An exhibit not to exceed 60cm wide, 60cm deep and 60cm high. Open to children up to and including 12 years of age on the day of the show.
457A Garden in an Eggbox - using both halves of a 6 egg eggbox. Open to children up to and including 12 years of age on the day of the show.
458Stunning Sunset - an arrangement of no more than 60cm wide by 60 cm deep, unlimited height. Open to all children aged 15 years and under on the day of the show.


Prize Money: 1st £3.00; 2nd £2; 3rd £1.00.

Exhibits may be arranged at home or in the marquee but MUST be the child's own work,

Exhibits must be staged between 2.30pm and 8.30pm on Wednesday 24th August 2022. There will be strictly no entry to the Floral Art marquee after 8.30pm or before judging on show day.

NOTE: All exhibits to be in water or water retaining material.

will be awarded to the best exhibit in the Children's Floral Art Classes excluding the Miniature Garden.

Rosettes & Certificates for 1st to 3rd in each class.
All entrants will win a prize and certificate

Classes 456 and 457 open to children up to and including 12 years of age on the day of the Show.

Class 458 open to all children aged 15 years and under on the day of the show.