Results for the Show 2021 Show.

Children's Craft Classes
543Playdoh model of a farm animal - to be displayed on a paper plate (for competitors aged under 7 years old on show day)
544Collage / Picture of a Rainbow. (for competitors aged under 7 years old on show day)
545A family of sugar mice. (for competitors aged under 7 years old on show day)
546Anything you like. You've made it, so let's see it! (for competitors aged under 7 years old on show day)
547Three Chocolate Brownies. (for competitors aged 7-10 years old on show day)
548An original Lego or Meccano model (not made from a kit), to fit within 30cm square. (for competitors aged 7-10 years old on show day)
549A Sock Puppet. (for competitors aged 7-10 years old on show day)
550Anything you like. You've made it, so let's see it! (for competitors aged 7-10 years old on show day)
551A Fabric Face Mask. (for competitors aged 11-15 years old on show day)
552Any photograph taken by you, mounted on card, not framed. (for competitors aged 11-15 years old on show day)
553A Lockdown Limerick with 5 Lines, (for competitors aged 11-15 years old on show day) )
554Anything you like. You've made it, so let's see it! A Lockdown Limerick with 5 Lines, (for competitors aged 11-15 years old on show day)

No Entry Fees


Prize Money 1st £3: 2nd £2: 3rd £1
Prize money kindly donated by Mrs Eileen Bryan

Points to be awarded as follows
1st Prize 4 points: 2nd Prize 2 points: 3rd Prize 1 point
in classes 543 to 554
A Plaque will be awarded and retained by the winner of each class.


All entries must be the unaided work of the exhibitors.