Results for the Show 2018 Show.

Floral Art
450Culinary Creativity, An exhibit to include kitchenware items of your choice and include a food related theme. 76cm wide, 76 cm deep, height unlimited.
451Green with Envy, An exhibit using foliage and flowers in shades of green only; colour restriction does not apply to containers or non plant material items included in the exhibit. 76cm wide, 76cm deep, height unlimited.
452Tropical Paradise, An exhibit with a tropical feel and use of appropriate colours and materials where possible. 76cm wide, 76cm deep, height unlimited.
453Bridal Beloved, An exhibit in the theme of a British summer wedding, exhibit must include a bridal style bouquet. 60cm wide, 76cm deep, height unlimited.
454Copper Geo Flair, An exhibit to include the colour copper and geometric shapes. 60cm wide, 76cm deep, height unlimited
455On a Rural Rampage (Novice Class), An exhibit to include seasonal material foraged within the local area. 60cm wide x 76cm deep, height unlimited.
HT13The Cooper Silver Perpetual Challenge Bowl presented by Messrs WJ Cooper & Son, Bridport will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the highest number of points in Classes 450 to 454 inclusive.



Section Chairman: Mrs Laura Brown

An exhibit is composed of natural plant material with or without accessories, contained within a space as specified in a show schedule. Exhibits may be arranged at home or in the marquee.
To be judged according to NAFAS Competitions Manual - current edition.

Exhibits must be staged between 2.30pm and 8.30pm on Wednesday 22nd August 2018. There will be strictly no entry to the Floral Art marquee after 8.30pm or before judging on show day.

will be awarded to the best exhibit in the Floral Art Classes

Entry fee for all classes 50p
Prize Money: 1st £10, 2nd £7, 3rd £5